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Electricity DC and AC Circuits
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The Dynalogic approach eliminates both loose components and expensive test leads.This board and transformer bank supports DC and AC circuits.Designed to accommodate the experiments manual Electricity Principles and Applications by Richard Fowler,
all editions

EB-912B & TB9005A
The TB-9005A helps teach:
Transformer efficiency and power factor.
Series and parallel windings.
Inpedance matching.
Three-phase transformer connections.
Unit has polyfuse protection.

The EB-912B experiment circuit board helps teach basic DC/AC concepts and circuit construction. Students learn to build  circuits from schematic diagram in the experiment manual. Connections are made using #22 AWG solid wires inserted into spring sockets connected to the components. teach basic DC/AC and circuit construction. Students learn to build a circuit from a schematic diagra
 WHD 8-5/8 " X 7" x .063
         WHD 9-1/2" X 13" X 2-1/6"sk here to add text.
Velcro loop material for mounting the EB-912B Circuit Board.
Basic DC/AC Trainers, Basic AC/DC Trainers, Electrical transformer trainer with experiments
Basic DC/AC Trainers,Basic AC/DC Trainers